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Conference programme 2024


Automation - The Employee Who Doesn’t Sleep, Take Breaks Or Goes On Holiday

19 Jun 2024
Lovelace Theatre

Joe Sadler, CRO of Traverse Automation, delves into the possibilities unlocked by hiring your ideal employee: automation, the tireless worker who never sleeps, takes breaks, or goes on holiday. Embracing automation not only enhances productivity by enabling your team to accomplish more in less time but also yields numerous benefits such as streamlining operations, fostering positive customer experiences, and generating substantial cost savings. The potential impact of automation in the travel industry is vast, and Joe will delve into the specifics of what processes can be automated and how to embark on this transformative journey.


*This is a sponsored session and by attending, you consent to your data being shared with the sponsor. 

Joe Sadler - Traverse Automation


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