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Conference programme 2024


A Knight In Green Armour: Is Technology The Key To A Sustainable Travel Industry?

19 Jun 2024
Lovelace Theatre

Tourism relies on natural resources and cultural heritage to deliver the experiences we offer. Increasingly, travel businesses are looking to balance profit with planet and society. What can green tech do to enable and accelerate sustainability aims such as impact measurement, carbon emissions calculation and comparisons, and green supply chains? Is net-zero really achievable in travel, and what can technology do to drive this goal? Can we leverage technological developments to enhance the visitor experience in a sustainable way?

Members of ETOA, the European Tourism Association bring their expertise to the table to discuss these issues and suggest solutions.


* This is a sponsored session and by attending, you consent to your data being shared with the sponsor. 

Rachel Read (Moderator) - ETOA
Patrick Richards - TerraVerde Sustainability
Natacha Laermans - Greentripper
John Davies, Chief Transformation Officer - Open Destinations


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