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Conference programme 2024


Creating Winning Technology Partnerships For Suppliers And Buyers

20 Jun 2024
Tech Huddle Zone

Join Mat Orrego, CEO and Co-Founder of Cornerstone Information Systems, a technology investor and travel industry veteran, and colleagues for an in-depth discussion on creating and maintaining winning technology partnerships.

During this session, participants will explore strategies for building successful alliances in the travel industry. Real-world examples and key components of effective partnerships will be used to demonstrate the tangible benefits of seamless system integration, data-driven decision-making, and long-term collaboration. This interactive discussion is a must-attend for buyers, suppliers, and tech companies seeking to enhance their competitive edge through strategic partnerships.


* This is a sponsored session and by attending, you consent to your data being shared with the sponsor. 

Mat Orrego, CEO and Co-Founder - Cornerstone Information Systems


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