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Good to know


Post show

Post show

Your event journey doesn’t end here! Here’s how to keep the momentum going:

Review Your Notes

Go through your notes and highlight key takeaways. Consider how you can apply them to your work.

Contact your new connections

Take some time to contact the exhibitors and people you met at the show. Send them an email or a LinkedIn request to ensure you stay connected.

Use our event hashtags on your social media channels

Post about your time at the show on your social media channels and tell others about it. Include #TTShow and #traveltech in all of your social media posts – we may even repost your post on our own channels

Fill in our visitor survey

Don't miss out on winning one of three exciting £100 Amazon vouchers. Keep an eye out for an email from us post-show or our socials, and tell us about your experience at the show. 

Join the TravelTech Show community

Follow us on our social media channels to stay updated with the latest show news, register your interest for next year, and get exciting updates on our industry. 

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