The expert advice hub makes a comeback in 2024!
Please tell us more about the Advice Hub that will be featuring at this year’s show.
What does it offer for visitors and why should they attend?
The highly anticipated return of the Expert Advice Hub at this year's Travel Tech Show (TTS) promises to be one of the cornerstones of the event. Supported by A Bright Approach and spearheaded by myself, senior industry advisors spanning diverse expertise areas including travel tech, investment, sales, marketing, and customer success will be on hand to share their insights and guidance with visitors.
With its stellar lineup of industry leaders, the Expert Advice Hub is set to once again captivate and enlighten attendees at Travel Tech Show, providing exceptional opportunities for learning, networking, and growth.
Who will be on the Advice Panel and are there any topics in particular they will be covering?
Advisors are very familiar with the visitors to the show. Many conversations could lead to valuable connections between buyers and suppliers from conversations with the advisors.
This year the panel will see the addition of new advisors, including those specialising in customer success and global venture capital, further enriching the Hub's offerings. This expansion enables companies to dive into topics such as funding strategies and more.
Moreover, the Expert Advice Hub serves as a platform for technology experts to share insights on the latest trends and innovations in travel technology. Visitors can expect engaging discussions on what's hot and what's not in the ever-evolving landscape of travel tech. In short, engage with your peers and stay ahead of the curve.
Alongside myself, this year’s line-up also includes John Ames, senior practitioner from Crosslake Technologies, Paul Richer, senior partner from Genesys Digital Transformation, Paul Stephen, co-founder of the Remarkable Group and Will Phillipson, co-founder of SilverRail Technologies and most recently CTO for Kyte and COO of Citymapper. New to the panel is independent PR and communications consultant Nikki Stimson of Stimson Consulting and Gabriel Giscard d’Estaing, M&A advisor and vice president of Cambon Partners. Between us we'll be covering a whole host of topics including winning and keeping customers, emerging technology, marketing and sales strategies and travel tech consultancy alongside the always popular booking systems and payment tools and recruitment and retention.
What is the format for this year’s show? How is it going to be different?
In past editions, the Expert Advice Hub garnered immense popularity among attendees seeking hands-on, practical advice from seasoned professionals across various sectors. Visitors enjoyed the opportunity to engage directly with experts, benefiting from their wealth of knowledge and experience.
Each advisor generously dedicates their time to participate in the Hub, offering visitors the chance to book 20-minute slots in advance — an option highly recommended due to the rapid booking pace.
For the 2024 edition of the show we have extended the topics to ensure we have the best qualified panel available to answer questions giving the best advice and insight on a broad range of topics that are really of interest to visitors.
How can buyers find out more? Where will it be held and what is the schedule?
It’s very straightforward to sign-up. Just choose the topic or expert you would like to meet with and you can book a meeting with them via the TravelTech Show app.